Wing Foiling Course

From € 300 per Person
Maximum 5 pax or Private
Запазване в списъка с желания

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Мобилните билети се приемат за всички екскурзии

  • 6 часа
  • Всеки ден
  • Малка група или частен урок
  • Професионален инструктор
  • Мобилни билети
  • Minimum age - 16 years old

Wing foiling in Malta is a dynamic and rapidly growing water sport that offers an exciting way to connect with the elements. Whether you’re drawn to it for the thrill of gliding effortlessly over the water or the sense of freedom it provides, it’s a fantastic addition to the world of water-based activities. So, if you’re looking for a new and adventurous way to experience the wind and waves, wing foiling might be your next great adventure on the water.


This course is an introduction to Wing Foiling. The course is 6 lessons of 1 hour and it is structured very well in order to make it easy to understand and get going in a short time. 

Lesson 1
1 hour in which we will do basic theory with equipment preparation plus a practical lesson on land on how to control the wing.

Lesson 2
1 hour of practice in the water, safety, balance on the board, manoeuvring the wing while standing on the board.

Lesson 3
1 hour practice in the water, basic navigation on the board.

Lesson 4:
Sailing upwind, downwind, turns.

Lessons 5 & 6:
2 hours practice on board with the foil, first flights.


The Group Wing Foiling course is six hours long. The cost is 300 €.

For those preferring one-to-one tuition, the private courses are at cost 400 €.

Моля, обърнете внимание, че тези курсове обикновено са разделени на 2-3 дни.

Налични са групови отстъпки при запитване.

Резервации се приемат до 12 часа преди уроците, или до изчерпване на местата! Молим да резервирате навреме.

Сборният пункт е отбелязан на картата по-долу.

Начален час

След резервация инструкторът ще се свърже с Вас за да уточни свободните часове.

Уроците Включват

  • Професионален инструктор
  • Basic safety
  • Setting of the wing
  • Wing control on land
  • Wing control on big board (sup)
  • Steering the board
  • Standing up on the board
  • Sailing in different directions on the board (taxiing)
  • Tacking and Jibing on the board
  • Setting up the foil
  • Sailing on board (foil board) with the hydrofoil
  • First flights
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